The St. Canard Files: A Darkwing Duck Podcast
The Greatest Darkwing Duck Review Podcast
2 years ago

Super Union Blues (Comic Review)

Want to join the superheroes union? Gizmoduck & Mr. Wonderful are trying to recruit Mr. St. Canard himself, but DW wants no part of it. Mr. Wonderful decides to show Darkwing the power of the union with his teams of heroes. Life of crimefighting will be so much easier under the union, but DW isn't buying it, even with Gizmoduck cosigning the union. Can DW get to the bottom of this? Check out our review of the interesting comic from "The Disney Adventures" magazine Vol. 3 issues #6 & 7.


DW #DarkwingDuck #DisneyAfternoon #Ducktales #DisneyAdventures

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